Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Keep a Poem in Your Pocket

What a great way to end April! Today my students held our 6th annual Keep a Poem in Your Pocket Poetry Day!

All through April we study poetry in Writers Workshop. Students write poems using the crafts of  rhymes, repetition, alliteration, and onomatopoeia. We used poetry all year during Shared Reading to help learn phonics and increase fluency. Today was the culmination of all the students work.

First students started as a group reading - It's Poetry Time By:  Lee Bennett Hopkins

"It’s poem o’clock.
Time for a rhyme—
Poems are
Unlock a minute
poetry time."

Then students explained the purpose behind using poetry in the classroom and explained that this why we believe you should always keep a poem in your pocket. At which point students read, Keep A Poem in Your Pocket By:  Beatrice  Schenk de Regniers

"Keep a poem in your pocket
and a picture in your head
and you'll never feel lonely
at night when you're in bed

The little poem will sing to you
the little picture bring to you
a dozen dreams to dance to you
at night when you're in bed

keep a picture in your pocket
and a poem in your head
annd you'll never feel lonely
at night when you're in bed."

Finally, students "mingled" around the classroom reading the poems in their pockets to parents and administration. The poems in their pockets were a mixture of poems they wrote and those we read throughout the year during Shared. 

Along with the "mingling" students' BioPoems with self portraits and I Wish Poems were displayed for students to read.


 I wish poems:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blogging Take 2

So . . . this is take 2 on "Keene on Education".  I started it once before and got so frustrated that I ended up shutting down and in my haste, I accidently deleted everything!  Well I've let some time pass and calmed down, and with the encouragement of my sister (visit her blog: weekly wanderlust) , I've decided to give it another go.

It will be a work in progress and I'm still not totally sure how I will utilize it, but I know it will focus around my work in Education. So check it out periodically, hopefully I get some good stuff up here soon.