Monday, October 14, 2013

Star of the Week

So I've revamped my Star of the Week procedures with some of the wonderful ideas from my new team. Now students will be highlighted each day of their week.

Monday - Star of the Week Book - students fill out a cloze sentence book about some of their favorite things. It is then posted in the classroom.

The rest of the class will visit it throughout the week to complete a compare and contrast sheet. They will fill out a template that says how they are similar and different from the star. These papers will then be compiled into a book that the star can then take home. 

Tuesday - Mystery Box - Students will place an item of personal importance inside the mystery box and read aloud 3 clues to the class. Students will attempt to guess what is hidden inside the box. After revealing the item, the star will explain it's importance with the class.

Wednesday: Guessing Jar - the star fills the jar with a group of items and presents it to the class. The rest of the class will complete the guessing jar notebook, where they estimate the number inside. We will then count out the items using groups of ten.

Thursday: Poem - student will bring in a poem of their choice to read to the class to practice their speaking and fluency skills.

Friday: Guest Reader and Favorite Book - Students share a favorite book with the class and have the option to invite in a family member or friend to read the book to the class.

So, overall I am loving this new format, it fits perfectly within the 10 minute gap between lunch and specials and really makes the students feel special. Plus - what a perfect way to develop speaking and listening skills! 

Pick up the templates in my TPT store for FREE! 

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